Browse by Name
Sais, James R. "Jim"
Overview of Sais' life. Received a degree in Agriculture and Extension Education and worked for Extension Service 1959-1992.
Sanchez, Adolfo
History and culture of the Hispanic village of Jarales, N.M.
Sanchez, Luis
Life at Stahmann Farms as seen by the consultant as a boy and as a young adult.
Sanchez, Roland
Describes his early life growing up on a farm in Pueblitos, N.M., his decision to go into medicine, his involvement in raising Santa Gertrudis cattle, his pioneering in intensive grazing in the area, and his role in the founding of the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum.
Sanders, Bobbie
Touches on childhood in Arizona and the return to New Mexico after involvement in a dispute between homesteaders and cattlemen. Relates childhood experiences on the family farm in Portales and helping with harvest of sorghum and broomcorn. Relates experiences as a teacher in rural New Mexico schools between 1937 and 1979. Mentions her husband's Civilian Conservation Corps work and her experience as wife of a serviceman during World War II.
Sanders, Genevieve Beatrice Lucero
Consultant recalls the POW internment camp located near the family home during World War II.
Sargent, Maria
Childhood memories, age twelve or thirteen, of the Italian prisoners of war who worked on area farms during World War II.
Saucedo, Connie
A civilian employee of WWII-era prisoner of war camp in Lordsburg.
Schickedanz, Jerry
The consultant discusses his thirty-one year career in the Cooperative Extension Service, his years as the Dean and Chief Administrative Officer of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics at New Mexico State University, and his involvement with the People For Preserving Our Western Heritage.
Schmid, Walter
Former German prisoners of war who were detained in New Mexico during World War II. Schmid was held at Camp Las Cruces and worked primarily picking cotton. Poethig was held at the Orchard Park prisoner of war camp near Roswell, N.M. As a non-commissioned officer, Poethig volunteered as a detail leader of POWs working as agricultural laborers.
Segovia, Benjamin "Benjie"
Segovia's father worked on Stahmann Farms. Benjie recalls life as a child, growing up on Stahmann Farms, and gives insight into the everyday life, the treatment of the workers, and his feelings regarding the pecan industry at Stahmanns.
Sena, Raphael
The consultant's family can be traced back to Bernardino de Sena y Valle in 1693. Mr. Sena grew up on the family dairy farm in the Albuquerque, N.M. area of Los Ranchos. He describes his childhood, education and work history, and shares the results of his many searches for information on his ancestors.
Shalles, WanaBeth
Rural life in Cedarvale community.
Sharp, Dwight L.
Describes German prisoner of war labor on his parents' farm.
Shearer, Jimmie
The history of the Sunland Corporation, discusses the various types of peanuts, particularly the Valencia, which is grown in New Mexico, how they are processed and used, and some of the diseases which plague peanut growers. They also talk about the business aspects of the peanut industry and the affect of NAFTA and GATT.
Shelley, Terrell
History of the Shelley family and the 916 Ranch from the establishment of their homestead through four generations.
Silva, L.F. "Chano"
Construction of Fort Sumner Army Airfield. Opinion of value of prisoner of war labor. Incident with Japanese POWs (Texas).
Simon, Gene
Simon describes his late start as a rancher, the uniqueness of his current ranch location, his years as a newspaper publisher and editor, and his eight years serving on the Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum Board of Directors.
Sisneros, George S.
Farming and ranching in the area around Arabela, N.M.
Sisneros, Raymond
Discusses the history of Jose Maria Sisneros (born 1809) from central New Mexico. Jose Maria was a buffalo hunter and an entrepreneur. He took sheep to California in 1849, and also traded along both the Santa Fe Trail and Camino Real. He also held government contracts to supply military forts with corn and other food products. Mr. Raymond Sisneros learned of Jose Maria's exploits from his father and from the storytellers, the resolaneros, when he was a child
Sloan, Robert "Bobby"
The interview is about the cycle observed over a one-year period of farming.
Smith, Dorothy
Dorothy Smith, age 89, is owner/operator of a small, 30-acre farm/ranch operation in the growing urban area of Corrales, in the northern suburbs of Albuquerque. She operates, by herself, a small cattle operation, selling the calves annually, and growing alfalfa for winter cattle feed. It is large enough to maintain the agricultural land designation for tax purposes. In addition to the family ranch, she worked at KOB-TV in Albuquerque and was longtime Secretary-Treasurer for the New Mexico Advertising Federation.
Solt, Betty Sims
This interview provides background information and context for the interview recorded by George E. Sims in 1983 [in the Rio Grande Historical Collections, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, N.M.]. The consultant's involvement in high school and college rodeo in the 1950s.
Stalls, William D.
Briefly discusses personal history, and in more detail his involvement in the cattle industry as a cattle buyer. The majority of the interview focuses on the founding of the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum.
Stone, Glenn
Optometrist stationed at Deming Army Airfield during World War II. Provided vision screening for German prisoners of war from Camp Lordsburg.
Stout, Paul
Details Paul Stout's service on the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Foundation, and briefly his family history and thoughts on technological innovations in farming.
Stovall, Roy
Describes growing up on his grandfather's Aleman Ranch on the Jornada del Muerto.
Stutts, Rosemary Alvarez
Interview conducted to obtain a first-person account of the use of horses in farming for the exhibit "Traditions" (1998). Includes other details of Stutts growing up on her family farm near Salem, N.M. Tape Two is her memories of Italian and German prisoners of war working on the family farm during World War II.
Sultemeier, Peggy
Sheep ranching in various locales in New Mexico.