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Fischer, William G.
Recollections of German prisoners of war working on his father's farm, south of Carlsbad, NM
Foley, James
Briefly discusses his background from a ranching family in southeastern New Mexico. Details his involvement with the founding of the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Ford, Quentin
Ford talks about sheepherder wagons he remembers from his youth on the San Augustin plains.
Forehand, Earl Ray
Forehand family history, including settlement in New Mexico. The interview also covers the consultant's work in founding the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Foster, Carl Lawrence "Larry"
Foster family ranching history in southwestern New Mexico and Larry Foster's career as a Beef Specialist with the New Mexico Cooperative Extension Service.
Franks, Juanita
Early homesteads of family. Means of earning a living by raising cattle, goats, pigs and growing apples, etc. Early schooling, household chores, making clothes, and recreational activity. Activities in World War II and founding of Bear Mountain Ranch School.
Franzoy, Alexander Alfred
Use of German and Italian prisoners of war as farm laborers during World War II. Use of other types of farm labor before and after World War II. Description of the Franzoy farm when consultant's father bought the land in 1918.
Fuller, Neil
Fuller grew up on the Fuller Ranch near Virden, N.M. He describes his life there and the work he did on the ranch. Tape Four contains several stories that had been passed to him by his uncle.
Funkhouser, Barbara
Briefly details childhood on a farm near Fairacres, N.M. The consultant's father died in 1936 and her mother continued to operate the farm with the help of hired labor. Discusses career as a journalist. The major portion of the interview details the founding of the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.