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Aguayo, Ernest
Aguayo's life and ranching days; the Government taking of the Aguayo ranch for the creation of the Alamogordo Proving Grounds, now known as White Sands Missile Range.
Ake, Dorothy "Tudy"
Briefly describes her personal history. The majority of the interview describes her and her late husband's involvement with the establishment of the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Alpers, Audrey
Alpers and Rupert family history. Regional and Cimarron history. Subjects include: Chase family history, the Maxwell Land Grant, Colfax County War, the coming of the railroad to Cimarron, the 1908 fire in Cimarron, the 1922 fire at the Springer mansion on the Chase Ranch, balls and parties held at the Springer mansion. Additional family history, the race track at Raton, the history of Gladys England Smith and Marjery England Sutcliffe. A discussion and description of artifacts donated by Audrey Alpers to the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Archer, Louis E.
Sources of labor and use of POWs during this period.
Archuleta, Dolores
Relates an incident that occurred when, as a child during World War II, her life intersected with those of the prisoners of war incarcerated in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Armstrong, Bonnie
Rural farm life in the Quemado, N. M. area
Augustine, John L.
Consultant was the Doña Ana County Agent during World War II and administered the prisoner of war labor program in the county.
Austin, Armon T.
Early rural living in the Estancia Valley area of New Mexico.
Avery, Keith Willett
Details life history of Western artist, Keith Avery.