Browse by Region
Southwest New Mexico
Aguayo, Ernest
- Aguayo's life and ranching days; the Government taking of the Aguayo ranch for the creation of the Alamogordo Proving Grounds, now known as White Sands Missile Range.
Ake, Dorothy "Tudy"
- Briefly describes her personal history. The majority of the interview describes her and her late husband's involvement with the establishment of the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Archer, Louis E.
- Sources of labor and use of POWs during this period.
Archuleta, Dolores
- Relates an incident that occurred when, as a child during World War II, her life intersected with those of the prisoners of war incarcerated in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Augustine, John L.
- Consultant was the Doña Ana County Agent during World War II and administered the prisoner of war labor program in the county.
Ball, Greg
- Ball outlines his current position as the Livestock Manager at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Museum. He discusses the active breeding program and the plans for the future livestock program.
Barela, Willie
- Worked on Stahmann Farms during World War II at the same time as German and Italian prisoners of war were employed there.
Barnes, J.Q.
- Mr. Barnes' recollections of a German and Italian prisoner of war camp in Hatch, New Mexico, during World War II.
Bean, Johnny
- The consultant discusses his WWII experiences and growing up during the Great Depression. He also discusses his work with race track horses, the tack shop at the racetrack, saddle making, and his farm in El Paso, Tex.
Bernal, Hilario
- Early Tortugas and Las Cruces history.
Birmingham, H.B.
- Life on a ranch in western New Mexico. Also working for the forest service.
Birmingham, Margaret "Peggy"
- Life on a ranch in western New Mexico. Also working for the forest service.
Black, Tom Bill
- Black discusses ranch life and working on a ranch prior to a career as a livestock inspector for the N.M. Livestock Board. He describes his job in the field, and as a supervisor. He is also a graduate of auctioneer school.
Bounds, Ruth Harrington
- Farming and ranching in western New Mexico. Consultant's family immigrated to the United States from Europe. Also details the consultant's roll as a school teacher.
Carrejo, Ernesto
- Ranch life in Catron County, N.M. Also service in World War II.
Carson, John Nick
- The history and scope of operations of Kit Carson Farms.
Castillo, Leborio
- Siblings speak of childhood years on a small subsistence ranch in western New Mexico. Impact of the influx of homesteaders on the existing culture. Traditions associated with courtship.
Cervantes, Emma Jean
- Cervantes family chile operation in La Mesa, New Mexico area.
Chavez, Cuca H.
- Describes use of German prisoners of war during World War II on their farm near Hill, New Mexico.
Cheatum, Minerva
- Memories as a child on grandparents' farm. Both Italian and German prisoners of war were employed there during World War II, as many as fifty at a time. Consultant's grandfather had a cookout for the Italian POWs, which was attended by Italian-American families living in the area. Includes thorough description concerns grandfather's use of draft horses in farming.
Childs, Homer
- Details Dominguez's duty as a prisoner of war camp guard at the Hatch branch camp during World War II. He and his two brothers were drafted into WWII. He discusses the draft board's policies in Deming, New Mexico. Childs describes hemp production and manufacture of rope near Fabens, Texas, before and during the war. Homer Child's imprisonment in Stalag 17B, and his duties while he was imprisoned.
Clark, Ira G.
- Detailing the consultant's role as state assistant supervisor of the Emergency Farm Labor Program during World War II.
Clayshulte, Nelson "Dyke"
- Attended local schools and graduated from N.M.A&M in 1941 with a degree in mechanical engineering. He spent most of the war years working for Stoddard Aircraft Radio in Los Angeles, during which time he met and married his first wife, Gloria Fountain. Shortly before the war ended they moved back to the Las Cruces area. He was a pecan farmer for many years and also served three terms as the mayor of Mesilla. Also, during the latter part of World War II he had some contact with prisoners of war working on various local farms.
Clayshulte Jr., John
- Interview done for the exhibit on contemporary farming in the lower Rio Grande Valley, "The Inside Story of the Roadside View." This interview focuses on pecan farming.
Clegg, Nancy Lee
- This narration explains how Clegg and husband developed and worked in their pecan orchard.
Cothern, Lillian
- Rural farm life in the Radium Springs, N. M. area
Cox, Robert
- A founder of the New Mexico Farm and Heritage Museum and his background.
Davidson, Alvin
- Technological innovations in agriculture and changes in agricultural production in eastern Kansas and the Mesilla Valley of New Mexico; farmers' organizations and cooperatives; farm life in the Midwest during the Depression through World War II including cooperative labor among local farmers.
Davis, Genevieve "Ginny" Burris
- Speaks extensively on rural education, family ranch and farm home life, ranching community life, and successful cattle breeding. Discusses family's businesses, including managing the College Ranch [Jornada experimental range] for New Mexico State.
De Ruyter, Edward
- Mr. De Ruyter describes how he came to be in the dairy business in New Mexico, how he grew the business, operations during the year and speculation on the future.
Dean, Joy
- Growing up on a farm that used POWs for labor, and rural living.
DeWitt, Dave
- DeWitt is the founder of the National Fiery Foods Show. He has written several books about chile peppers and New Mexico cuisine, and is known as the "Pope of Peppers."
Dickson, Lana
- Briefly discusses her personal history. The majority of the interview describes her involvement with the establishment of the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Doil, James R.
- Brief description of his service in Europe during World War II. The bulk of the interview details his duty as a guard at the prisoner of war camp in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Dominguez, Maggie
- Details Dominguez's duty as a prisoner of war camp guard at the Hatch branch camp during World War II. He and his two brothers were drafted into WWII. He discusses the draft board's policies in Deming, New Mexico. Childs describes hemp production and manufacture of rope near Fabens, Texas, before and during the war. Homer Child's imprisonment in Stalag 17B, and his duties while he was imprisoned.
Eichholtz, Lucille
- Her early life and memories of Mesilla and Las Cruces.
Estrada, Petra
- Describes activities of prisoners of war at Camp Lordsburg.
Evans, Art
- Personal and family history of Art Evans, and his involvement with the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Foundation including arranging a donation of farm equipment from the Ladder Ranch. Wanda Evans discusses daily life as a farm manager's wife and social activities.
Evans, Wanda
- Personal and family history of Art Evans, and his involvement with the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Foundation including arranging a donation of farm equipment from the Ladder Ranch. Wanda Evans discusses daily life as a farm manager's wife and social activities.
Ewing, Fred
- Documents their recollections of their jobs at the prisoner of war camp in Lordsburg plus their memories of watching the Japanese internees being brought to the camp (prior to the prisoners from Germany and Italy).
Ewing, Naomi
- Documents their recollections of their jobs at the prisoner of war camp in Lordsburg plus their memories of watching the Japanese internees being brought to the camp (prior to the prisoners from Germany and Italy).
Ford, Quentin
- Ford talks about sheepherder wagons he remembers from his youth on the San Augustin plains.
Foster, Carl Lawrence "Larry"
- Foster family ranching history in southwestern New Mexico and Larry Foster's career as a Beef Specialist with the New Mexico Cooperative Extension Service.
Franks, Juanita
- Early homesteads of family. Means of earning a living by raising cattle, goats, pigs and growing apples, etc. Early schooling, household chores, making clothes, and recreational activity. Activities in World War II and founding of Bear Mountain Ranch School.
Fuller, Neil
- Fuller grew up on the Fuller Ranch near Virden, N.M. He describes his life there and the work he did on the ranch. Tape Four contains several stories that had been passed to him by his uncle.
Funkhouser, Barbara
- Briefly details childhood on a farm near Fairacres, N.M. The consultant's father died in 1936 and her mother continued to operate the farm with the help of hired labor. Discusses career as a journalist. The major portion of the interview details the founding of the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Gillie, Warren
- Narrative covers his career in the Army, concentrating on his work with German prisoners of war (POWs) in Lordsburg, Las Cruces, and Fort Bayard, N.M.
Glover, Charles
- Glover describes the study of agronomy, his involvement as an agronomist with the Extension Service, and his work as a seed breeder.
Gottwald, Allie Sue
- The interview details the consultant's career with the New Mexico Extension Service.
Green, Austin "Slim"
- Early data concerns Green's parents and their settlement in Texas. Chronological report of Green's life, service in Army during World War II, progress and work as a saddlemaker, demonstrations on his techniques, specific information regarding the "Pony Track" saddle design.
Guzmán, Alfonso
- Paperboy for Italian and German POW camp located near present day Young Park. Miscellaneous recollections beginning with Civilian Conservation Corps use of camp through post World War II.
Guzman, Felipe G.
- Worked as a laborer at Stahmann Farms during school vacations from 1944-1946. Worked with German prisoners of war (POWs). Discusses a reunion with one former prisoner of war in 1998.
Hackey, Ralph
- Personal history and history of farming in the Mesilla Valley from 1923 to the present. Briefly discusses the consultant's involvement in the founding of the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Harvey, Wit
- Cotton ginning business in Las Cruces.
Hawkins, Darrell
- Hawkins describes his career as a cowboy, his years spent with the circus, and the arts of trick roping and whip cracking.
Hofacket, Katy
- Describes living on a ranch near Deming during World War II, with particular emphasis on the German POWs who worked there.
Hogg, James R.
- Rural life in New Mexico, homesteads, schoolhouses and interesting stories about West Central New Mexico.
Hopkins, Sara
- Contemporary beef cattle ranching in the lower Rio Grande Valley. Interview collected for the exhibit, "Inside Story of the Roadside View."
Huber, Evelyn
- Sources of labor during World War II, including German and Italian POWs
Johnson, John
- John Johnson, living in Lordsburg, New Mexico, recalls the prisoner of war camp located there during World War II.
Jones, Tiny Faye
- Briefly details childhood years on a farm near Floyd, New Mexico. Discusses her career with the New Mexico Extension Service.
Kipp Jr., Rex
- Recalls prisoners of war employed on his parents' ranch during World War II.
Kirby, James W.
- Kirby's job with the Bureau of Land Reclamation, specifically the Elephant Butte Irrigation District (EBID) and the Rio Grande.
Lazar, Betty
- Her recollections of the Japanese interned at Camp Lordsburg, and later the German and Italian prisoners of war held there.
Lindbeck, Marinell and Lloyd
- Consultant describes farming in the Radium Springs/Dona Ana area. Discussion regarding L.B. Lindbeck's inventions and patents on farm equipment that he manufactured in Las Cruces, N.M.
Livingston, Margaret L. (Myers)
- Mrs. Livingston, who was still in school during the time in question, relates her memories of life in Lordsburg during World War II, including the town's attitudes toward the camp, social life in the town, items made by some Japanese detainees, and some of the work done by the prisoners of war.
Marquez, Consuelo
- Discusses parents' immigration from Chihuahua, Mexico, to the United States. Father worked as a farm hand and itinerant produce peddler. Mrs. Marquez married a farm worker from Stahmann Farms and after leaving there in the late 1940s; they worked on several farms in the San Miguel area. Discusses some Mexican American traditions, foods, and use of native plants.
McCaslin, Bob
- McCaslin describes his work as an agronomist and soil fertility specialist, and projects he has worked on at New Mexico State University.
McDonald, David G.
- The McDonald Brothers Ranch, along with the other McDonald family ranches, was leased by the Army in 1942, for use by Alamogordo Bombing Range (a predecessor of the White Sands Missile Range). These ranches and others were eventually taken for permanent use by WSMR. The consultant's father's struggle to keep his ranch—including an armed, 1982 reoccupation of it—or to receive adequate compensation and the emotional fallout from their losses are described.
McSherry, Clara Jo
- The history of an irrigated farm near Deming, N.M., homesteaded in 1909 by an Austrian immigrant family to the present time (1999).
McSherry, G. X.
- After giving some background information on his and his wife's family histories and on his agricultural experience, most of the interview centers on his work as a state legislator, where he chaired the Agriculture Committee and wrote the legislation creating the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Means, Jupe
- History of the H Bar Y Ranch in Western New Mexico. Weather conditions, improvements to the ranch (roads and water pipelines), changes in technology that improved efficiency, domestic life, and personal history. Also discussed was the consultant's ranch in Estancia and his ranching business in California. Details of the consultant's involvement in founding the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum.
Merrell, Adair
- Prisoners of war from Camp Lordsburg, and a branch camp in Duncan, Arizona, were transported by Merrell and his father to area farms and ranches.
Miller, Donald
- Miller discusses his work in the dairy program at New Mexico State University, and his military service
Mitamura, Rose T.
- Utilization of German prisoners of war during World War II at Mesilla, New Mexico, farm during lettuce harvest.
Mobley, Tom
- Cattle and hay production in Southern N.M.
Morgan, Angie
- Morgan describes her years growing up in Chamberino, New Mexico, and helping with her grandfather's farm starting in the late 1940s. She was educated in the Chamberino area and in Silver City, and worked as a teacher in Las Cruces.
Morris, James
- Saddle making in New Mexico from the 1960s to 2009.
Mortensen, Marcel
- Mortensen's work as a carpenter's helper installing cabinets in the prisoner of war (POW) compound at Lordsburg and his experiences driving Italian prisoners to Virden, where they worked cleaning irrigation ditches and picking potatoes and onions.
Muñoz, Ricardo
- Boyhood in the copper mining town of Santa Rita, N.M., during World War II. Discusses his work as a teacher with the Home Education Livelihood Program, a program aimed at migrant farm workers. Discusses farming families in Doña Ana County.
Nakayama, Toshi
- The Yabumotos were immigrants to the Mesilla Valley, purchasing a small farm near Chamberino in 1915. It was essentially a subsistence farm, although cotton was grown as a cash crop. Mr. Yabumoto died in 1929, leaving Koharu Yabumoto to farm and raise the children. Discussion of the farming community of Chamberino and family traditions. Toshi Yabumoto married Carl Nakayama, from a farming family near Doña Ana. The Nakayamas farmed on a large scale. She discusses some of the impact of WWII on their families.
Padilla, Ernesto
- Employment as a farm laborer at Stahmann Farms during World War II, and his observations of the prisoners of war (POWs) who were also employed there during the war.
Padilla, Placida
- Siblings speak of childhood years on a small subsistence ranch in western New Mexico. Impact of the influx of homesteaders on the existing culture. Traditions associated with courtship.
Pendelton, George "Lad"
- Family history of the "Bootheel" area of New Mexico. The interview touches briefly on the consultant's role as a board member of the Farm & Ranch Heritage Institute.
Perez, Hipolita
- Perez' life as a child in Durango, Mexico during the time of Pancho Villa. How she came to New Mexico, and her life here in Las Cruces.
Pickard, Ruth
- Use of Italian prisoners of war on Brazito, New Mexico, farm.
Porter, Bob
- Recounts memories of the prisoners of war who were incarcerated during World War II in Hatch, New Mexico. The prisoners of war worked on his father's farm near Salem during the cotton harvest.
Porter, Brady
- Mr. Porter's recollections of German and Italian prisoners of war camp in Hatch, New Mexico, during World War II.
Porter, Irving
- Consultant was raised at, and worked on the John Prather ranch during the stand-off with the Army over the land-grab of ranches for expansion of White Sands Missile Range in 1957.
Ragland, Ernestine
- The discussion is limited to Mrs. Ragland's experiences and impressions gained while working at a prisoner of war camp near Lordsburg, New Mexico, where she worked in the Ordnance and Motor Pool Division. There is a brief description of her husband's duties guarding the prisoners as they worked in the fields.
Randall Sr., Robert E.
- Description of events leading to assignment as guard at prisoner of war camps in Lordsburg and Hatch, New Mexico, during World War II. Describes differences between Italian POWs who were "king's men" and "black shirts." Description of duties, prisoners, and relationships between guards and prisoners.
Remondini, Ed
- The history of an irrigated farm near Deming, N.M., homesteaded in 1909 by an Austrian immigrant family to the present time (1999).
Rice, William A. "Bill"
- Boyhood memories of prisoners of war in Lordsburg, New Mexico, during World War II.
Riddle, Isabella E.
- Brief biographical sketch of Mrs. Riddle, born of Irish immigrant parents, she was one of first 100 women appointed to the WAVES during World War II. She moved with her husband to Las Cruces in 1947. Talks briefly of conditions in Las Cruces upon her arrival. Interview focuses on her knowledge of Dr. Stephen's work in developing a heritage institute during the time they worked together at the Department of Agriculture from 1972 (when Dr. Stephens was appointed director) until her retirement in 1981.
Riley, J. W. "Bus"
- Riley comes from a long line of cattle ranchers. He grew up in the Deming, NM area, and discusses ranching in southwestern New Mexico.
Riley, Michael
- Operation of the Elephant Butte Irrigation District with emphasis on delivery of irrigation water to Mesilla Valley farmers.
Rivera, Lupe Peralta
- Employment as a clerk at Camp Lordsburg during 1944.
Sanchez, Luis
- Life at Stahmann Farms as seen by the consultant as a boy and as a young adult.
Sanchez, Roland
- Describes his early life growing up on a farm in Pueblitos, N.M., his decision to go into medicine, his involvement in raising Santa Gertrudis cattle, his pioneering in intensive grazing in the area, and his role in the founding of the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum.
Sanders, Genevieve Beatrice Lucero
- Consultant recalls the POW internment camp located near the family home during World War II.
Saucedo, Connie
- A civilian employee of WWII-era prisoner of war camp in Lordsburg.
Schickedanz, Jerry
- The consultant discusses his thirty-one year career in the Cooperative Extension Service, his years as the Dean and Chief Administrative Officer of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics at New Mexico State University, and his involvement with the People For Preserving Our Western Heritage.
Segovia, Benjamin "Benjie"
- Segovia's father worked on Stahmann Farms. Benjie recalls life as a child, growing up on Stahmann Farms, and gives insight into the everyday life, the treatment of the workers, and his feelings regarding the pecan industry at Stahmanns.
Shelley, Terrell
- History of the Shelley family and the 916 Ranch from the establishment of their homestead through four generations.
Simon, Gene
- Simon describes his late start as a rancher, the uniqueness of his current ranch location, his years as a newspaper publisher and editor, and his eight years serving on the Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum Board of Directors.
Sloan, Robert "Bobby"
- The interview is about the cycle observed over a one-year period of farming.
Stone, Glenn
- Optometrist stationed at Deming Army Airfield during World War II. Provided vision screening for German prisoners of war from Camp Lordsburg.
Stovall, Roy
- Describes growing up on his grandfather's Aleman Ranch on the Jornada del Muerto.
Stutts, Rosemary Alvarez
- Interview conducted to obtain a first-person account of the use of horses in farming for the exhibit "Traditions" (1998). Includes other details of Stutts growing up on her family farm near Salem, N.M. Tape Two is her memories of Italian and German prisoners of war working on the family farm during World War II.
Taylor, Virginia
- Taylor discusses how her father, John W. Newberry, came to New Mexico Territory in the early 1900s and his acquisition of land in the Mesilla Valley prior to the completion of the Elephant Butte Dam, the acquisition of "surplus" U.S. Army mules and a wagon following Pancho Villa's raid on Columbus, New Mexico in 1916. She discusses John W. Newberry in detail including farming endeavors, awards and accomplishments, and role in establishing the Southwestern Irrigated Growers Association (SWIG), his role in church activities and in family and community social life.
Tharp, Claud
- The cotton business in Las Cruces from 1927-1997.
Thomas, Gerald
- Briefly discusses his personal and work history. The majority of the interview details the founding of the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum.
Throneberry, Glyn
- Consultant discusses his years as a researcher and professor of plant physiology at New Mexico State University.
Torres, Henry
- Torres discusses personal history including some information about his work as a brand inspector. He describes the impact of the drought of the 1990s and low cattle prices on cattle ranching. Discusses his involvement with the museum, its mission, and his vision of its development.
Vocale, Emanuel
- Covers Mr. Vocale's emigration from Italy to West Virginia and thence to Deming, New Mexico. It includes his memories of growing up on a farm, returning to Italy to marry, and his history as a farmer and wine-maker in Deming.
Way, J. Edson
- Discusses jobs as Director of the Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum (1992-1998) and head of the Office of Cultural Affairs (1998-2002).
Whittles, Eloise
- Life as a minister's wife during World War II. Rural living in Claunch and Las Cruces.
Williams, Jacqueline Ethel Wood
- Childhood remembrances of World War II prisoner of war camp on Melendres Street, Las Cruces.
Wilmeth, Stephen
- Peter M. Shelley (Wilmeth's grandfather) legacy and ranching in the Cliff, N.M., area.
Woodward, Ara Janelle
- Cotton farming in the Chamberino area.
Wright, Grace
- The consultant's family owned an irrigated farm on the New Mexico/Arizona border.
Yarbrough, John D.
- Personal and local history is followed by a discussion of the founding of the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Zachek, Jerry
- Employment of German prisoners of war (POWs) on Deming area farms during World War II.