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Central New Mexico
Armstrong, Bonnie
- Rural farm life in the Quemado, N. M. area
Austin, Armon T.
- Early rural living in the Estancia Valley area of New Mexico.
Baca, "Joty" Doroteo
- Baca has been a breeder of Spanish Heritage horses for fifty years in the Belen/Tomé Land Grant area, where he was born. Includes several discussions about his Spanish Heritage horses and those developed or claimed by others. Also discusses points of local history, including route of El Camino Real and the Oñate Trail through his neighborhood.
Bailey, Annie
- Rural living in area of Taiban, N.M.
Brown, Maxine Pounds
- Life in rural Cedarvale, N.M.
Campbell, Evelyn
- Rural life in Cedarvale, N.M.
Cordova, Raoul J.
- History and culture of the Hispanic village of Jarales, N.M.
Duey, Fern
- Rural living in area of Taiban, N.M.
Eldridge, Suzanne
- Rural living in Ft. Sumner, N.M., and family grocery business.
Evans, Max
- Personal history and his role in the founding of the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum.
Foley, James
- Briefly discusses his background from a ranching family in southeastern New Mexico. Details his involvement with the founding of the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Hamilton, Judge
- Brief history of arrival and life in Cedarvale, N.M., area.
Hickam, E. Earl
- E. Earl Hickam briefly discusses his family and early childhood before talking at length about his father's use of Italian prisoners of war (POWs) in the Dawn, Tex., area and of working with German POWs in the Albuquerque, N.M., area during World War II.
Hille, A.R. "Dick"
- Hille discusses coming to New Mexico in the 1920s. He worked on a number of ranches in southern New Mexico, and homesteaded in the 1930s. During World War II he worked in the defense industry, but returned to New Mexico in 1945. He started a welding business and also purchased two ranches in southern New Mexico.
Jarratt, Raymond
- Originally a dairyman in Texas, Raymond Jarratt has been a New Mexico dairyman since 1956 when he moved from Texas to work for Valley Gold Dairy. He has been an independent dairy farm owner since 1958. He presently owns and operates a 350-acre dairy in Los Lunas and sells to Dairy Farmers of America. He discusses his ancestry, farm life when he was a child in Texas, rearing his children on a dairy farm, dairy production and care of milk cows, the superiority of Ayrshire cattle over Holsteins, and droughts. Also talks about the condemnation of his land by the city to secure acreage to expand their sewer plant.
Lackey, Archie
- Rural life in Cedarvale community.
Laumbach, Casimiro "Ike"
- Details consultant's days working on several ranches in New Mexico, including the Bell Ranch and the OX Ranch near Springer. Describes his childhood and memories of his father's ranch in the La Cinta Canyon area.
LoPopolo, Carlos
- LoPopolo's life work tracing and preserving Spanish heritage horses. Through the New Mexico Horse Project, LoPopolo has done extensive research and DNA testing in an attempt to prove that the horses he has on his preserves are the direct descendants of the horses of the Spanish Conquistadors.
McBride, Joseph L.
- Farm and ranch experiences as a child growing up in Socorro County.
McIlhaney, William
- Discusses his work as a dairy farmer and changes in the dairy industry. He served as state president of the Farm Bureau and as a member of the State Fair Commission. The interview concentrates on his involvement with the founding of the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum. He served as the first president of the Heritage Institute Board.
Mocho, Peter
- An interview with one of the Museum "founders". Also discusses his background briefly—sheep ranching in New Mexico and changes in that industry.
Perez, Ernest
- Perez family sheep ranch, wool industry, New Mexico sheep growers.
Price, Dudley
- Details history of the Price family in the dairy business (beef cattle, farming) in West Texas and New Mexico. Also discusses the founding of the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum.
Sais, James R. "Jim"
- Overview of Sais' life. Received a degree in Agriculture and Extension Education and worked for Extension Service 1959-1992.
Sanchez, Adolfo
- History and culture of the Hispanic village of Jarales, N.M.
Sena, Raphael
- The consultant's family can be traced back to Bernardino de Sena y Valle in 1693. Mr. Sena grew up on the family dairy farm in the Albuquerque, N.M. area of Los Ranchos. He describes his childhood, education and work history, and shares the results of his many searches for information on his ancestors.
Shalles, WanaBeth
- Rural life in Cedarvale community.
Sisneros, Raymond
- Discusses the history of Jose Maria Sisneros (born 1809) from central New Mexico. Jose Maria was a buffalo hunter and an entrepreneur. He took sheep to California in 1849, and also traded along both the Santa Fe Trail and Camino Real. He also held government contracts to supply military forts with corn and other food products. Mr. Raymond Sisneros learned of Jose Maria's exploits from his father and from the storytellers, the resolaneros, when he was a child
Smith, Dorothy
- Dorothy Smith, age 89, is owner/operator of a small, 30-acre farm/ranch operation in the growing urban area of Corrales, in the northern suburbs of Albuquerque. She operates, by herself, a small cattle operation, selling the calves annually, and growing alfalfa for winter cattle feed. It is large enough to maintain the agricultural land designation for tax purposes. In addition to the family ranch, she worked at KOB-TV in Albuquerque and was longtime Secretary-Treasurer for the New Mexico Advertising Federation.
Stalls, William D.
- Briefly discusses personal history, and in more detail his involvement in the cattle industry as a cattle buyer. The majority of the interview focuses on the founding of the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum.
Vick, Austin
- Rural living in the community of Cedarvale, N.M.
Vincente Jr., Joe
- Vincente family arrival in New Mexico from the Basque area of Spain, cattle and sheep raising, and the founding of the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum.
Ward, Lois
- Description of the Wenk Family asparagus farm operation and vegetable farming in the South Valley of Albuquerque from the 1920s to the 1980s. Focus in middle portion of interview on use of German POWs to help harvest asparagus.
Wenk, John
- Description of the Wenk Family asparagus farm operation and vegetable farming in the South Valley of Albuquerque from the 1920s to the 1980s. Focus in middle portion of interview on use of German POWs to help harvest asparagus.
Wenk, Mildred
- Description of the Wenk Family asparagus farm operation and vegetable farming in the South Valley of Albuquerque from the 1920s to the 1980s. Focus in middle portion of interview on use of German POWs to help harvest asparagus.
Wright, John E.
- Rural life in Mountainair, N.M.
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