Parsons, Bob and Parsons, EileenAboutBob Parsons's teenage memories of Fort Sumner prisoner of war camp and impressions of the prisoners. Eileen Parsons's and Doyle Cozzens's childhood memories of their father's service at Fort Stanton as a guard for *Columbus* crew internees.
Tape 1, Side A
Description of camp, location, and use of guard dogs. Elder brother's involvement with Manhattan project and Hiroshima. Other brother member of Board of Economic Warfare. Interest in air corps. Impression of German POW in air base hospital. Impression of Columbus crew, Fort Stanton. Ate at officers mess. Friend working with hog slop. Security at Alamogordo dam. Account of Dr. Hertzer, possible German spy. Secret of B-29 bomber. Death of a townsperson at base. Joins Marine Corps. Knife incident in town.
Tape 1, Side B
Father as guard at Fort Stanton, INS/Border Patrol. Number of internees. Civilian status. Type of sidearm. Eileen taught to use pistols and reflections of escapes. Germans making blood pudding. Physical description of camp. Father's uniform. Digging potatoes on Loma Grande. Hollis Cummins corroboration of Civilian Conservation Corps camp origins. Internee gardens. John, the trusty, trucked to and from Carrizozo train station. Internees made wooden trunks. Doyle's western painting. John, the trusty. |